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Our Goals for the Future

by Nikki and Nichie

Well, our goal for the future is to be the Paint Shop Pro most prolific Background Tutorial Writers! Our meowmie is referred to as the Background Queen (Sorry, Queen Midnight :) ) but being guys, we surely don't want to be referred to as that! But, being the most prolific Paint Shop Pro Background Tutorial Writers - that title we do like and are purrsuing that title vigorously, having now written approximately 90 Paint Shop Pro Tutorials!

We love the creative end of the internet - writing, graphics, html and the like - and creating a Paint Shop Pro tutorial uses all of it - it keeps our minds active, busy and our paws in constant use too. You know the saying - if you keep learning, you will always be young and vital! And that's our goal - vitality and creativity - big ones, we know - but purrsuing your dream is what life is all about, isn't it?

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:32:47 EDT