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About Goals
by Mewsette
I don't really have goals "for the future", because I will be 17 in the
spring and I am not well. But I have had many goals and I've worked at
them very hard for years. I'm proud to say that I have finally achieved my
goals now. It is worth it to set your goals high and work hard for them,
believe me! Because later, when you are old and tired, it feels wonderful
to have done the things you set out to do.
Now, I don't mean that you should ever stop! I still want to write well,
and I work at that. I still want to shine - I always did. I still want to
leave a legacy and a body of work and poetry that someday younger kitties
will read and remember Mewsette. That's important to me, and we all have
things that are important to us, don't we? So make your goal to work at
those things, and at things that give you joy, and don't worry about the
future, because doing that will make it good.
I don't worry about the future. My little goal every day is to make it
count, and to love and be loved. So that's easy, and very nice. I always
make it.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:32:46 EDT