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In The Year 2525
by BlackJack
The big tomcat prowled through the deserted streets, no one was out, as it
was way after curfew for the humans. He had no name, not even the number
that most animals and humans bore around their necks and tattooed on their
chests. He was so lonely, life in the future was often lonely, with the
strict laws about humans and animals being out after a certain hour. He
had no home, and had been very lucky to escape the clutches of the animal
control officers, as they had no mercy for kitties prowling the streets.
He had never felt the soft touch of a human hand, and wanted to so much.
He was tired of the prowling, the running and the endless worry of being
There was a small colony of humans who lived in the forest,
defying the strict laws about animals and humans. They still hunted for
food, lived in freedom and they were always happy, so unlike the majority
of humans in the cities, whose main concern was adding to their bank
accounts and racking up huge scores on the video games that provided the
only legal pursuit of fun.
The big cat headed out to the feral human
colony, as he liked to call it. He kept hoping to be taken in there, but
the humans were always worried about spies, and using animals with hidden
videocameras was so prevalent, he had never been able to get through the
It was later tonight though, maybe things would be different.
As he padded up to the perimeter, he was surprised to see so many of the
humans awake and outside. It looked like they were having a celebration
of some type. There were various symbols of different countries and
different creeds, and all the humans were linking hands and singing.
There were animals there too, cats, dogs, horses and all manner of birds,
and they were all joining in the singing in their special way.
As he
stood, awestruck, a thin young human came over to him and reached out to
pet him. The human called him kitty at first, then as he saw the yellow
fur and big green eyes, he said this must be Morris come back. The tom
had no clue who Morris was, but the young human said it with such
reverence and gentleness, he realized this was quite an honor to be dubbed
The young human then picked up Morris, carried him through the
perimeter and into the circle of friendship. All the humans smiled and
seemed quite happy to see Morris. He was being petted, given food and
kind words swirled around him. What a different place this was from the
streets he had known.
He could hardly believe this was 2525, it seemed to
hearken back to a time many centuries ago, when peace and happiness were
the order of the day. Morris found a new home that Christmas Night of
2525, and he learned an important lesson too.
Humans may seem quite
different in the future, and things may change for the worse, but that
special human bond with animals will never change.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:32:22 EDT