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My Special Gift
by Luckie
If I could chose one special gift for the Holidays it would have to be a
new Kitty Teaser. I just love my Kitty Teaser.I sleep with it, carry it
around in my mouth, and best of all I get to have private time with
Meowmie because she always plays with me and the Kitty Teaser. I carry the
Kitty Teaser in my mouth straight to Meowmie and lay it down at her feet.
When I do that Meowmie always laughs at me because she knows exactly what
I want..PLAYTIME! Obviously, I am sure you all realize, I am very attached
to my Kitty Teaser!
P.S. I guess you can also say I am rather attached to Meowmie too!
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:32:16 EDT