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by BlackJack
My goal for the future is to continue to learn, serve and purr in CLAW. I
have learned so much in my time in CLAW, and feel that it has really
helped me to become a much better member of the cat community.
Making new
friends at CLAW, learning how to do so many things, and getting my
education has been so wonderful, and I hope to continue in that same
fashion in the future. One is never too old to learn, and as I get older,
I realize just how important serving others and helping them is.
meowmie's goal for me is that I shall learn to get close and cuddle up
with my siblings, and maybe even wash their faces. I think that is a
great goal too, and sure fits in with my thoughts on goals for the future.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:32:08 EDT