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Why I Feel Special
by Mewsette
Honestly, I couldn't feel any more special if I tried! And I've felt
this way since I was a kitten, because my mom has loved me so much and
always told me how special I am. In fact, in my glory days, when I was in
my prime, I had to be careful not to let it go to my head! Sometimes it
did anyway.
But it's different now, and Special took on a new meaning. When I
started getting ill two years ago, things didn't change for me right
away. I had different food and medicine to take, but I still felt quite
good for a long time, and refused to believe I was ill. You know,
sometimes if you just refuse to believe it, you don't feel sick at all. It
worked for me. What's different now is that I do feel it. And that's why
my being special is more than it ever was. I need a lot of care, and my
mom puts that first. She says nothing is more important than taking extra
special care of me.
That works well, too. I'm always comfortable and warm and loved. If I
don't feel like eating, I'm hand fed. My mom and I are partners in this
old-age thing, too, and that means lots of extra time to just be held and
loved. I didn't like the idea of getting old and I tried hard to avoid it!
Who me, Mewsette, the Marilyn Monroe of cats, getting old?! No, no, no.
But it creeps up on you. And even that turned out to be special! I'm a
very lucky and very thankful kitty, and, from what I'm told, the most
special kitty in the world. And I know it.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:31:43 EDT