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I Thankful !

by Twinkles

The Canadian Thanksgiving is past, but I made a special note of all the things I was thankful for on that day. I have so much!! I am warm and well fed, and have a clean litter box, and my humans groom my fur everyday so it is never matted, and I have a vet who helps if I am sick. I know I will always be as well cared for as the human's can possible care for me. I am deep down thankful for all of these blessings.

But today I want to tell you what I am MOST thankful for, being cared for is wonderful, but the greatest thing is having my own home and my own humans to care for myself.

Everyday I watch over them, make sure that they know they are much appreciated, that they are special. I cheer them up when they are feeling lonely or sad. I pose for them, catch mice for them, purr for them.

I remind them often that life is not about owning more things, or doing more things, it is about enjoying things and living life as best one can. I set them a good example by not wanting or asking for more than I need.

I am so thankful I have my very own humans to care for.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:31:23 EDT