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Feeling Special

by Nikki and Nichie

We feel special when meomie and/or paw take time to play with us. We know how very busy both of them are with work and computer activities and other things that they do, but when they take time out to only play with us - it is very special. And our most special of times when we do feel very special is when we get to play with the bird on a stick.

We have never been outdoor cats but have always had the urge to know what it would be like to hunt. When meowmie and/or paw play that game with us - afterward we feel very special and very accomplished at hunting.

Play is a very special time for us and feeling special by having that special time and attention lavished on us really makes us feel special. We love to be cuddled - but oh how we yearn to play! Hint, hint meowmie - make us feel very special - always make time out to play with us!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:31:21 EDT