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I am most thankful....

by Lady Blue

I am most thankful for my home and my sisfurs and brofurs. Without these things, I might be out on the street with no food or shelter. I have read about the poor kitties from the shelters that were homeless, hungry, and sometimes disfigured. I am very lucky to have been born into my situation.

With so many siblings, it makes it easy to celebrate Thanksgiving in the true spirit of family and friends.

However, there is one thing that I would like to change. This past summer we lost 5 of our most loved kitties at my house. I was very close to one of them called Sunduster. He was so brave and loving. I still miss him very much. If I could, I would bring them all back from Rainbow Bridge. Even though I know that they are very happy, I would still like to have them here with me.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:53 EDT