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A Scary Story
by Henri of Twin Brook
By now every cat must be acquainted with my housemate
Sidney. Although Sidney is a very nice looking feline with his glossy
black fur and big round eyes, he possesses few redeeming features. None
of the cats in the neighborhood care much for him. The other toms won't
beat him up or harass him, mainly because I, Henri smacked a few of them
around when they gave Sidney a bad time. After all he is a "brother" of
sorts.. We must share the same litter pan.....
I never know what to expect from that cat. Last night, when both
of our persons had left the house (does any cat really know where these
creatures go when they leave the premises?) Sidney came rushing down the
attic stairs, his tail blown up like a balloon, his eyes wide with fear.
"It's going to kill me!" he shrieked. "Don't let it get me! It wants to
eat me like a can of tuna!"
"What are you meowing about?" hissed Helen. Erika had climbed
some of the attic stairs and peered into the dark room above.
"There's someone up there," she cried, a tremble in her
meow. "Sidney is right. Someone, human or beast has invaded this
Sidney had wrapped his paws around my neck which made it very
difficult for me to walk up the staircase. . I pushed him away, but his
paws grabbed at my hind legs, pulling backwards. "Will you let go
Sidney!" I growled. "I can't see what's upstairs if you don't let go of
my legs!" Reluctantly, the terrified cat released his tenacious gripe on
my hind quarters. He whimpered, piteously, until Erika cuffed him on the
nose. Carefully, silently placing my paws on each stair. I was near the
top of the staircase when I heard the noise. My blood froze (can blood
actually freeze?). Indeed Sidney had been right. Something was in that
darkened room. I could hear its movements, the scratching sound it made
as it crossed the floor. It seemed to be dragging items from one side of
the room to the other. I crept forward toward the doorway of the room,
ready to spring and pounce upon the enemy. Helen and Erika clung
together, which was unusual as they really don't like each other all that
much. I raised my paw to my mouth, cautioning them to be quiet. All I
could hear was the beating of my own heart and my own breathing.
The scratching increased. The noises grew louder as more
items seemed to be dragged across the floor. I gathered my courage and
lunged at the darkened doorway. A startled screech rent the air. My
blood curdled at the sound. There, standing upright on its hind feet, was
the biggest rat I had ever encountered. Even the very worst back alleys
of my youth had not produced such a formidable looking creature!
"Hey there!" it growled , "what's the chance of getting some
light in here? What's the matter, the occupants forget to pay the
electric bill last month?"
"I beg your pardon," I meowed politely. "May I have your name
please and would you please explain what you are doing here?"
"Raymond's the name!" chortled the rodent. "You know..... that
T.V. show 'Everybody loves Raymond'. was named after me. .. So true, so
true. Everyone love me, my mater and pater and the entire community! I
am Raymond, rodent activist at your service!"
"Sort of a strange name for a rat," I remarked with a
purr. "Would think maybe Richard or Reginald or perhaps Rufus would have
suited you better. But what exactly are you doing in our house?"
"What am I doing here? Why the monthly meetings of Rodents
Against Tyranny or R.A.T. is meeting here. Of course I missed the past
eighteen meetings but it's my turn to host....So here I am...." The rat
smiled baring its teeth. They were the longest, sharpest teeth I have
ever seen. "Well, I hope every rat in the area will come." He paused a
moment, staring at the window. "It's getting dark.....They've usually
arrived by dark....This is 9 Woodin Place, isn't it?"
"I'm think not. Woodin Place is a few streets over, to the east.
What exactly is your group all about? What tyranny are you fighting
"Well," said Raymond, "our group is fighting against the
oppression of our race, namely rats. It's really trying to stop the
aggression of cats toward our species. In other words, we would like to
remove all cats from this planet...."
"Really?" I meowed loudly. "You'd like to remove all cats from
this planet? How interesting...."
"Bad choice of words.....I can see that....heh..heh. .Very bad
choice of words being that you are of the feline persuasion.....Didn't
notice that at first, light being rather dim. Perhaps R.A.T. would be
willing to settle for a few restrictions......I shall bring that up at the
meeting if I am able to arrive at the meeting, that is, if I can find the
place, but that will probably depend on you, wouldn't it. By the way,
cat, I didn't get your handle......."
"Handle? What handled," I hisssed. "Is that a weapon of some
"Handle means your name, pussycat. What's your name,
pussycat? Wasn't there a movie by that name? 'What's your name,
pussycat?' What is your name?"
"My name is Henri. I am Henri of Twin Brook. I am master cat of
this household and manage the ongoing daily operations of this
"Like doing the laundry, taking out the garbage, yum, yum,
cleaning the commode, changing the bed linens and vacuuming the
floor? That kind of stuff? My you are important, Henri of Twin
Brook...." Raymond grinned at me baring his long, sharp teeth. He was not
just a big brown rat, but he had a mouthful of fearsome weapons at his
disposal. Truthfully, he was not a creature I would care to do battle
"You had better leave if you wish to participate in this meeting
of rodent minds. I, Henri of Twin Brook shall guarantee safe passage from
this house. And I do hope you will alter the purpose of this noble
society. Cats, as you should know, are perfectly willing to
"If you say so, pussycat. By the way, who is that big eyed,
whimpering fur ball at the bottom of the stairs? He looks like a balloon
about to go airborne. Could I give him a little nip on the butt?"
"Raymond, please no! He would never stop screaming! Sidney's
enough of a problem as he is! He doesn't need another excuse to
complain." I tapped Raymond on the head. At no time did he show any
fear. This was one tough rat! I escorted him to the back door.. As he
passed Sidney crouching on the staircase, the cat suddenly lost his
dinner. Another mess to clean up before the persons arrived
home....Helen ran to the kitchen to get paper towels.
I accompanied Raymond to Woodin Place and together we found the
correct address. Rats of all sizes and colors were entering the house
through an open window in the basement. "It looks like it's going to be a
good meeting," squeaked Raymond. "We should change the name to Rats
Against Tyrannical Species. R.A.T.S. .
"Sounds impressive," I agreed with a purr. "Just don't include
"It's a done deal, pussycat. See ya!" He disappeared the
through the opened window and into the darkened basement. I could hear
the chattering of the rodents who had gathered there and I wondered if I
would ever see Raymond again.
Slowly I walked home through the back yards and alleys of the
neighborhood, peering under porches and into garbage cans. I met a some
former acquaintances of mine and we stopped for a few minutes to meow and
catch up on the news. A rat, gray and sleek scurried by, the remnants of
someone' s dinner, a corn cob, clinched between its teeth.. It paused
long enough in flight to cast a wary glance in our direction, its dark
eyes gleaming in the light of the street lamp. We did not chase it. We
left then, each to our own home, whatever and wherever that might be....
Sometimes I miss the old crowd......
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:43 EDT