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What Frightens Me

by Mewsette

I'm not frightened of as many things as when I was young. I can handle thunder better than I used to! I'm not as scared of dogs, since I've spent half my life as an indoor cat now and I know they can't get me in here. I don't even run from the vacuum monster any more, unless it gets close enough to catch me and eat me. And I don't fear going to the vet as much, when these days I get hauled over there every time I turn around. It could be repetition of these things finally reduced my fears. That happens.

On the other paw, new fears seem to come when you get old. I have so many new ones my mom thought I was getting paranoid, until we figured out that they just came because I got old and don't see as well as I used to. Leaving lights on helps with those. Nothing looks spooky in bright light!

Now the big one that frightens me the most is when my mom goes away and doesn't come right back. I don't forget she will; I still know that. But it happens so rarely, I get scared. When my mom had to leave me recently, I spent the whole time under the daybed. Except once the cat sitter came and caught me in my porch window, and I was horrified! I know that shouldn't scare a sensible cat, and I know I'd never be abandoned, but old cats are entitled to be eccentric, so that's what frightens me.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:38 EDT