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What Scares Us Most
by Nikki and Nichie
Loud noise, especially thunderstorms, really scares
us. We live in Florida and we have horrendous
lightening and thunder during rainy season. The
lightening, itself, does not scare us - but the loud
boom that follows makes our hairs stand straight up.
Our tails flair to three times its size and we either
run under the covers of our purrents bed or scoot
ever so quickly to somewhere dark and safe such as in
a closet or under the bed.
We have noticed that our meowmie also is spooked by
thunderstorms and is frightened by the lightening and
thunder. Guess we picked up this fear from her.
Although she gets scared, she tries to act brave and
courageous and finds us and attempts to calm us
down. We in turn purr at her and cuddle with her and
we think we, in our own way, we sooth her fears too.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:36 EDT