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My Biggest Fear

by SassyJazmine

What freightens me the most is very simple. Loud noises, thunder boomers, lightening, and scary things. I have never been outside, it took me three years to get up the nerve just to go out on the porch, now can you imagine what I would do if I went out there on Halloween and there was something spooky out there, I mean really, scary monsters. Meowmie says they are called Tricker Treaters, and little humans get all dressed up in scary stuff and go around from house to house yelling and begging for candy. Candy! Not even Kitty Kissers but candy.

Now I am a beautiful black kitty, and I have heard some of the untrue stories they tell about black kitties, scary stories about bewitched and demon possessed cats. But I know that thoes stories aren't true, because I am just a sweet, shy little black girl kitty who loves her meowmie and her Kitty Kissers, is deathly afraid of loud noises, Tricker Treaters and scary stories.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:35 EDT