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Spooky Things

by Playful

What are spooky things? Well furst off, they can be beings and not just things. As a matter of factoid, it is precisely beings that I find spooky.

Now, I have never seen a ghost. Ghosts are supposed to be spooky and though they are not really alive, they are not dead either. And that makes them spooky. They are white. So is white a spooky color? I don’t know. I am white and I am not spooky.

How about black? Yes, indeed, black is spooky. It is the color of night. It is mysterious. It is the color of my sibling, Tux. And Tux is spooky. He is mostly black with a little bit of white on his chest and his paws. But he is spooky; he is big. He wants to be the dominant cat and be boss. He lies down where he wants first. We have to wait for him to make his choice. And hafing a bossy cat is just plain spooky.

So that’s about the size of spookiness and the size of it. Size matters when it comes to spookiness. And though black cats are not bad luck, if they are big and you’re a cat…well, stay out of their way. If you’re a purrson then you probably will just love him and have good luck. A purrson would find a black cat charming and not spooky, at all.

Wrapping it up, there are white ghosts, but color doesn’t matter. And for cats, it only matters if mew are a cat. There is no such thing as a spooky or bad luck cat for a human.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:33 EDT