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Earliest Memories of My Human
by Mewsette
My first memory of my only human, my mom, is dropping into her hands
when I was 2 days old and couldn't even see yet. My furmama told me
later (in fact I've heard the story over and over my whole life!) that's
because I was born under the house in the subflooring, where she had
gotten out and made a nest. My human had crawled under there with tools
and dug us all out; me, my sisfur and 2 brofurs. I was the first one to
drop, and my mom said I dropped straight into her heart like nobody ever
Then I was in my furmama's warm, cozy "maternity ward" in the house, and
those same hands picked me up and held me for a minute every day, and a
voice said soft words I didn't understand yet. So when I opened my eyes at
9 days old, my human mom wasn't scary, because I knew her. While I was a
baby, the 4 of us just snuggled in a pile of kitten, and I could see that
my human mom and my furmama were special best friends. When I climbed up
my mom's leg, she'd hold me for a long time, but when I wanted my furmama
she'd give me back to her. She told me I was special from those first
days. So I felt special.
There were rarely any other humans around, even way back then, so I
never took to other humans. There was only one I could abide, a huge
tall one with a booming voice, but he spoke softly to me and called me
Mewsie. He was my mom's son. Other family cats were and are special to my
mom, too, but no other human was ever special to me.
Now I'm 16 years old, and my mom and I are soulmates. We always have
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:15 EDT