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My earliest memories of my humans

by Maggie

It was soooo hot and I don't even know how I got to this point. I was 7 months old, no claws, I had all my shots and was sprayed. I had a bright red color on.

Here I was in this big cage outside with a lot of other cats. They were mean and they had claws! No fair I thought. Where is my owner? I didn't mean to be bad. Our food was just thrown on the ground and tasted icky. There was not place to potty but on the ground. Then they come and spray our area off with a hose.

Oh but wait look at those 2 humans looking in this big cage. I remember how nice and carring they looked. One was a big man with a soft voice and one was a lady with an even softer voice. They were looking at me and pointing. They said I looked out of place in that cage and I didn't belong there and they might take me home. They were so sweet and nice looking. So I posed so nice and sweet. Oh no, the woman is leaving. But wait that big man is taking me out and putting me in a cage as he said softley, it will be ok little Maggie. How does he know my name I wondered.

I remember looking at the back of their heads while driving in a car and then I was in their home and they were talking so soft to me, oh how nice they seem. Then Oh boy, they opened the gate and out I ran. I ran all over the house. There was cat litters! There was bowls of food and water. I jumped up into their arms and snuggled. They let me lay on the bed and I must have slept for hours.

They were the purrrrfect humans any homeless kitty could ask for and they were mine and still are and will be furrever. That is my earliest memories of my humans, as for my brother cat, that is a different story.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:30:03 EDT