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My Earliest Memories of my Humans
by Nikita La Femme
My humans have been easily handled from the very first day.
After I had carefully chosen one of them as a likely parent, I picked a
fight with a Tom Cat about 3 tiems my size, and allowed her to "rescue"
On the way home, we stopped at WalMart to pick out some special things for
me. I, of course, went into the store with her, and cheerfully accepted
the looks and words of endearment from the other customers.
When we arrived home, not only was a special crate with a little bed, food
and water dish ready for me (and my new toys), but I already had a name
picked out. :-)
We made a trip to the Vet the next day, then when we returned home, I had
a bath and was dried with a warmed towel, and combed and groomed.
Over the next few days I was introduced to the resident cat, a big,
beautiful Siamese. He was smitten with me almost immediately. And I was
gradually given run of the house.
Over the years I have managed to take over the house, and set the
schedules for eating, bathing and bedtime. My humans are very
cooperative and obedient.
I do believe my plan for taming humans should be a role model for all
young kitties.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:29:44 EDT