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An Angel of a Vet

By BlackJack

Many kitties are not too fond of their veterinarians, but I sure love mine! Dr. Rachael Smith is her name, and she is a supurr vet!

Her office is very close to my house, and that is a big plus too, but the best thing is she cares so much for all her patients and for their owners. Quality of life is important to her, and that is something I am very big on also.

Being honest with the owners is so important, not giving false hope but "telling it like it is", so that the animal's owner knows just what they are dealing with.

I always remember the first time I met her, she tested me for all those nasty diseases a kitty can get on the streets, and then said it was my lucky day! I was disease free, and could join my family!

I am always very patient and quiet when being examined. She is very gentle and puts me at ease. I am so glad that she operated on my ear too, she found a way to remove that tumor without it costing into the thousands, and I am just fine now without even a scar.

It is nice to have complete confidence in your veterinarian, and all of us here sure have that! Dr. Smith is the greatest and I give her a big CLAW cheer!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:29:18 EDT