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My Vet And What I Think Of Him

By Luckie

I was meowing like crazy when I saw this new topic. I absolutely hate going to the vet. I am a very bad kitty when I go and give my Mom all kinds of problems.

Let me try and be realistic here for a moment. The vet in reality really helps us which I know deep down inside but I just can't stand going there. For one thing there is the d*g issue. They bark so loud and hurt my cute, little, kitty ears. The smells of the office is the other thing that I just can't stand. It is always so noisy and so busy. The vet technicians also have to take you to that back room and weigh you and take your temperature. I hate that because I am not a kitty that likes to be picked up much especially by people I don't know all that well.

Lastly, I hate the NEEDLES that I get every year for my annual checkups even though I know those NEEDLES are given to me to protect me.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:29:08 EDT