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Changes in Our Lives
by SassyJazmine
We have had a couple big changes in our lives, Jessie
more than me, but the real biggie for me is when Uncle
Jeffie moved back home and brought Right and Left here
to live. Now that is what I call a BIG change.
Right and Left are so laid-back and casual about
everything, they settled right in, but it wasn't quite
that simple for Jessie, she took the intruders very
hard. It took me a whole day or so to get used to
Meowmie put them in the Florida room with food, water,
toys and their litter box. There is a sliding glass
door there, and Jessie would go up to the door and
hiss and be so fierce and mean. But it didn't take me
long to figure out that the little guy just might be
fun to play with and the big guy really a lot of fun
to torment, which as it turned out, was exactly the
way it went.
After a few days Mom opened the sliding door about an
inch, so we could smell each other, and Right and I
would stick our paws through the door and try to box,
that was a lot of fun, Jessie of course would hiss and
be hateful.
When they finally did get into the house, Jessie
wouldn't let them come out of the living room, she
would stand in the doorway and be so mean to them.
Right and I used that time to get to know each other
and became fast friends.
Then Jessie started loosing ground when the three of
us ganged up on her, and soon she was guarding the
kitchen, then the hallway, then (gasp) meowmie's
bedroom, and finally she was guarding meowmie's bed.
No one was allowed in meowmie's bed, they would get
trounced if they tried. Except me of course, I didn't
pay any attention to her, I knew she was more scared
of them then they were of her.
But it has been a year, Right has charmed her and Left
and ignored her, then finally won her over with his
sweetness, and I just love her, so our problems are
finally over, and we have a very full bed at night,
eveyone has their own spot to sleep, Jessie with the
armpit, me cuddled up playing spoons with meowmie,
Right by her left leg and Left by her Right leg, hey!
There is something wrong with that picture don't you think?
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:28:34 EDT