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The Gift of Education
by BlackJack
Education is one of the most important parts of a kitty's life! It starts
soon as you are born, and learn how to hunt, eat and do all the things a
kitty must do from your first teacher, your furmom. This gets you started
the road to growing up to be a happy and successful cat. If you are
you also have a meowmie at that crucial time from birth to about two
old, and you can learn from your human meowmie all about being socialized
with humans. This education is also very important, because learning
socialization skills at a young age will really help as you grow older.
Education from your furmom or other older kitties in the household can
so many things, from hunting to avoiding eating the wrong insects or
Human education is also very important, as you learn how nice it is to be
petted and held close, and how to behave in the house (not knocking over
vases etc.).
Another really great part of education can be found at CLAW Kittengarten
CLAW University! Here is where you refine your education, learning
everything from hunting techniques to science to getting along better with
others. Such a myriad of classes on so many topics, that any kitty can
an area of interest and study and earn their degree. One of the most
important things in life is to keep growing, becoming stagnant is not a
thing, and leads to a dull kitty.
CLAW University is just the answer for
learning and growing! I highly recommend to all kitties to study at CLAW
University and expand your horizons. This is the way to become a
well-rounded kitty, and grow to be a well-spoken adult cat, who is able to
communicate well, work well with others and refine all your catly skills.
Education is one of the greatest and most precious gifts, so keep on
and learning!
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:28:12 EDT