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by Mewsette

Education was something I wasn't as interested in once as I was in things that were closer to my heart, such as writing, speech-making and activism in important causes, not to mention hunting and playing! I got an excellent basic education from my mother, as a kitten.

But when I had an opportunity to go to CLAW University, I loved it from the start. Even now, at 16, I still go back to University for more study from time to time. I'm not the devoted academic that my little sisfur is, but I believe we never get too old to learn new things. I believe education isn't something with a beginning and an end, but a process that should go on all our lives.

Now for humans, I think education is even more important. They learn the basics and the family values from their parents, too, as they should. But the more formal education they get after that, the better, because the world they live in requires it. It is also more complicated for humans, when their educational systems and agendas, controlled by their governments, are often at variance with their family's beliefs and values. It is harder for them, when there is so much to distract or destroy them while they are young. All the more reason why they need a well rounded and ongoing education, to help them think and reason for themselves, and to encourage them to attain the best in life that they are capable of.

Education may be appreciated much earlier by us cats than by humans, because we are naturally wise to begin with. It takes a long time for a human to become wise!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:28:09 EDT