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by Nikita La Femme
Education is the process by which one obtains knowledge. There are two
main types of education, formal and informal.
Formal education is learning in a classroom, such as taking classes in
CLAW University, or watching informative programs on TV. This form of
education can be difficult, as you have to focus on the information, and
attempt to understand and remember it. It is also rewarding.
Informal education is learning by observing and doing. This form of
education is begun by your Kitty Mama when you are a kitten. She teaches
you how to eat and drink, wash yourself, and use a litter box. She also
encourages play with your siblings where you learn kitty skills like
pouncing, stalking, jumping, running and wrestling.
All forms of education are necessary to becoming a well rounded adult cat.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:28:03 EDT