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Family Support
By Twinkles
I have never had any formal education, and truthfully
I never thought much about it, I felt most of what a
kitty needs to know she can learn from her fur momma
or figure out for herself.
Since I have joined Claw however I must admit to a
certain feeling of inferiority when I hear about all
the cats who are taking courses and graduating from
Claw University. I am going to work on getting my own
degree, and I intend to graduate, no doubt at the head
of my class.
My human is on the same wave length. Lately she is
always mentioning courses she feels I might like to
take. One of them, which she got very enthusiastic
about just a few moments ago, was something called "I
wish you would learn 'Twostay Offa-the-table'
Twinkles!!! The only problem is that I am not quite
sure what that subject is about. I think it may have
something to do with the inspection of meat loaves to
determine quality and content, as that is what I was
doing when she recommended it to me.
Then she has also been quite vocal about something
called 'I wish someday you would learn
'Twostay-outofthe Laundrybasket!' I am almost sure
that has to do with the study of cat-napping in those
warm soft places she thoughtfully provides for me
after washing clothes. I am not sure if Claw has a
course in that or not though, and I don't really know
why she feels I need to study it anyway, as I am an
expert in it already.
Then the male human has pointed out that a short
course in Music would be most appropriate for me. He
does enjoy my breaking into song at odd moments, but
perhaps he wants me to extend my reportoire a little.
He always says 'Good Grief!! Can't that cat ever
learn 'Two Keep Quiet In The Middle of the Night?'
I don't know that particular tune, but I am sure the
talented kitties of Claw can help me with that.
I am really looking forward to going to school to
learn new things, and with my supportive family
backing me like this, I just know I am going to do
very well there.
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:28:01 EDT