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School and Teachers

By Nikki and Nichie

We think there isn't anything more wonderful than school, learning and teachers!

What we are and who we will become is the result of the hard work of dedication of teachers all over the world who give of themselves to help students realize their potential.

Teachers can provide immense knowledge on so many topics from reading, writing, artistic pursuits, musical pursuits, dance, science, mathematics and on and on and on.

So many of us have taken for granted the privilege we have of free schooling. And so many of us complain that we have to do lessons and homework and practice, practice and practice some more. Somehow we may feel homework and practice is unfair because we see it from the short side. We do not fathom what all this means in the long run and how it will affect the person who we can be and someday will be.

Our hats go off to all the wonderful teachers who we have met in our lifetime and who we still hope to meet. Education is forever - it is how we grow and become the individuals of not only today but of tomorrow. It is through the dedication and resourcefulness of teachers that successes are born!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:27:59 EDT