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The Story of Skipper

By Nikki and Nichie

There once was a kitty named Skipper who hardly showed up for school. And when Skipper did come to school, he never came prepared and always had a reason why his work was never done.

One day Skipper's teacher, Miss Katzenberg, took Skipper aside and asked why he never did his homework. Miss Katzenberg gave him a strong, determined look and said, "Skipper, you always act the clown, but I have seen how wonderfully you perceive what is being said and how you can verbalize it and comprehend these concepts far better than your peers. Skipper, please tell me why you don't apply yourself and do your assignments. Whatever you tell me, Skipper, is in strictest confidence."

Skipper sat there thoughtful for a moment and said in a rather low, quiet voice, Miss Katzenberg, please, the reason I don't do my homework, is because I don't know how to read." Miss Katzenberg was surprised and shocked because she would never have dreamed such a smart kitty as Skipper could not read a word.

Miss Katzenberg continued and said, "Skipper, you are bright, articulate and have great potential. You can and will learn to read. I will get you the resources and help you too - but you will learn. You have the ability and will do this - never doubt it, you will. Don't give up if it seems rough - because, Skipper, the outcome will be well worth every minute of hard work you put into this endeavor."

And so, Miss Katzenberg got Skipper the help he needed and with hard work and determination, Skipper did learn to read and to excel in his studies.

Today, Skipper is a successful adult cat who works hard and does very well. But ask Skipper how he became a success and his answer is, "my success came from the gift of confidence and caring from my elementary school teacher, Miss Katzenberg. If it weren't for her concern, assistance and devotion, I would never have come this far. I owe it all to Miss Katenberg, my teacher, a person I will never forget!"

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:27:38 EDT