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My House Mate

By Maggie

I have a brother and his name is Levi. He is 11 years old. When I first moved here, he acted like he didn't like me too well but I made him change his mind real fast.

He has taught me soooo much. He also cleans my head and ears for me since I can't reach them very good.

He is a light tan color with blue eyes. I am black tux. so we look very nice together. We play and play and sleep together and share our toys and food too. I just don't know what I would do without my older brother.

He is in CLAW also. He is chaircat sr. of Problems and Solutions committee and he is leader of the Postcard committee. He helps me with my CLAW activities. He was wed winked on Feb. 14, 2002 to Scraps. I am proud of Levi and proud to say he is my brother.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:27:33 EDT