My Sisfur Phelicity
By Mewsette
I have two other cats for housemates. My furmother, BamBam, is now closer to 20 years old than 19, and I've written quite a bit about her, and it's harder to now. So I chose my little sisfur, Phelicity Marie Dauphine, to write about.Phelicity is real little, for one thing. She's way shorter than me, the most she ever weighs is 7 1/2 pounds, and that's all fluff. Even I weigh more than that. So you see who got to be the pampered baby! My, she got away with things I never did! She's very aristocratic, too, being a pedigreed Birman. That's a Sacred Cat, she informs me. She was a show cat her first year with us. But she never did put on airs, and she's always acted like just one of us cats. Even when the rest of us made it tough on her.
I'm afraid we gave her a hard time when she first came to live with us 9 1/2 years ago. I was the littlest until then, in my prime and used to being spoiled. I'd had sisfurs before and still had 2 brofurs then, so I didn't see why we needed another cat! I was not impressed.
Phelicity was very shy, quiet and respectful for a long time. My furmother could intimidate her with a look, and I was much more outgoing than she was. She's a different personality than any of my relations, and not a bit high strung like me. But lately, since I got older and quieter myself, I've discovered how much fun she can be and how nice it is having a sisfur around. And about the time I discovered it and we got to be friends, I noticed other things, too.
She isn't shy any more. She isn't even very quiet. She's in her prime now, and she is some kitty to be reckoned with! She may look all tiny and angelic, with those big blue eyes, but just try crossing her now, and you get a Miffed Cat. Well, I haven't been the undisputed Queen around here for nearly 16 years for nothing! She cannot best me. We sniff noses and she tells me she won't try to, but I must respect her now. And yes, I do.
I must say this about my sisfur Phelicity. I never knew another kitty so willing to share things, or so quietly good and peaceful. That hasn't changed. She's a little peacenik at heart, which I never was. She will put up with a lot, but if she finally does get miffed, oh my! She doesn't cry, yowl or babble like me, and get it out of her system, she stays miffed a while. And I think it's because, until recently, she didn't understand that everybody is not good, like her, and life is not always wonderful. Things don't go on the same forever. I knew that, but she didn't.
I taught Phelicity a lot over the years, but she has taught me some things, too. If I wasn't impressed all those years ago, I am now. I'm really proud to call her my sisfur.