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My Companion Nikki

By Nichie

I am Nichie, the real life sib brother of Nikki. We lost our real cat mom when we were a few days old and were found by a human who hand raised us until we were about 6 weeks old - and then we were turned over to Pet Rescue who found us our permanent home.

It has always been Nikki and I. We had no real mom to nurse on - so we would nurse on each other. Nikki would nurse on my tummy and I would nurse on his. We have always been together, always. We were so fortunate to be adopted as a pair - and not separated. I cannot imagine what I would do without Nikki.

We do everything together - eat, sleep, play, terrorize Max and Gingercats, everything! We wash each other, fight sometimes but always make up, and have adventures together. If you see Nikki - then you will see me right by his side. If Nikki is no where in sight, I will cry and cry until he comes and lets me know he is fine. I just love Nikki. Nikki is more outgoing than I and has more of a curious nature - but I will follow and watch from the sidelines as he gets in trouble and gets yelled at LOL!! He is always doing something hilarious - and I love it - although I won't try what he does - I do get a vicarious thrill anyway. He is the doer, I am the wisher - wishing I had his guts and flair for the ridiculous!

Nikki is my best friend, my brother, and my constant companion. Although there is Max and Gingercats, my world revolves around Nikki. I love my human companions, but my heart will always be Nikki's.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:27:23 EDT