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My Housemate

By Luckie

I have two housemates, however we are not from the same litter. It is hard to chose one to write about but I think I will tell you about Taurus.

Taurus and I act like we are from the same litter. We are very close. We take our naps together and cuddle together on the big easy chair in the living room all of the time. Taurus licks the top of my head all of the time too. Sometimes he acts like he is my meowmie LOL! He is such a sweetie and a big baby.

Now don't get me wrong we are not always so sweet and loving to each other. Their are many times when I love to go after Taurus and fight with him. He is so easy going and he rarely fights back which means I always win!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:27:18 EDT