10 Best New Year's Resolutions

by Dim Sim

10.Take up as much room on the bed as possible - stretch on the diagonal!

9.Run across your meowmie's head in the middle of the night frequently to get the pats you deserve.

8.To taste test all of meowmie's food befur she can finish it. While your at it, don't furget about guests!

7.Master the art of the guilt-trip eyes that say without words 'Oh, you love me not! I am but a poor kitty, wasting away!'

6.Maintain agility by performing an assortment of flips and rolls.

5.Do not do above in front of humans as dignity is put into question.

4.Always choose to sit on the sofa seat directly in front of the TV.

3.Leave your toys in front of doorways, in the middle of hallways, etc to bring to human attention so they play with you.

2.When meowmie is studying, always sit on her book and play with her pen while she is writing.

1.Nefur furget that I am the centre of the unifurse, and all things should revolve around me! (Unless I'm sleeping, then they can go revolve somewhere else until I wake up).
