The 10 worst resolutions I have ever made.
by Bug Bug Milliken
10. I resolve to be nice to the neighborhood dogs,
(after they move.)9. I resolve to be nice to my brothers and sisters,
(at least once in this lifetime. I can negotiate the other 8 lives.)8. I resolve to lose weight before bikini season,
(or swim in my fur).7. I resolve to study more,
(or less)6. I resolve to keep my room straight
(someday).5. I resolve to let my mewmie kiss me each day
(but not on the nosey.)4. I resolve to only eat what is good for me,
(if that is all that is available.)3. I resolve to stay out of trouble
(when mewmie isn’t looking.)2. I resolve to give up choconip
(when I die.)1. I resolve to give up catnip.
(dream on.)