When Snow Days Come
by Mewsette
I didn't know we were going to get snow days off in CLAW! That's furry good news! I'm a tired kitty, and I might take those days to cocoon. You know what cocooning is? Curling yourself up in a ball in a warm, snuggley place, staying there for hours or days, as long as you want, and pretending the world went away. If the world is all blizzardy, that's the ideal time to do it. Except.... well, I happen to love snow, and the more the better. When a snowstorm blankets the outside world in beauty, and covers up the ugly asphalt and flat buildings of a city, that's the time to look out and see it. It even works the same in the country, only the country isn't ugly underneath, not even in winter.
Snow days off is a new idea to me. I never had school kids in my house, but I haf so many human relatives that I suppose there must haf been kids in it long before my time. Eeek! Horrible thought. I'm glad it was before my time. And my mom never got to stay home from work just because it snowed, except once in Texas when I was furry young. I lived there 8 years, and it did snow once. My mom went to work anyway, cause she was from Colorado and she thought people did that down there, too. She came home an hour later with a funny look on her face. It seems they don't.
Well, my mom is retired now, so I figure so am I. Nobody has to go anywhere, unless we run out of cat food. But it's a great idea to have any excuse to stay home from school or work! Even I can see that. I don't really want to stay home from CLAW, but I might be busy cocooning. That sounds good.