10 BEST New Years Resolutions

by Fern

10. Fit all of me in the litterbox when I need to go.

9. Scratch the litter to cover, not the floor.

8. Return my previously eaten food in a spot easy to clean.

7. Stop hissing at my sisfur when she wants to join me at the food dish.

8. Refrain from cleaning myself while on the dining room table.

7. Tolerate the d*g even when she sniffs my more demure parts.

6. Exercise more with rug curls.

5. Enjoy my naps without interruption, despite meowmie’s calls.

4. Leave my toy mouse in spots easily moved or lifted.

3. Remember that food not eaten gets replaced by better food.

2. Stay close to the refrigerator-better to sample its wares.

and the best…….

1. Make myself constantly available for pats and head scratches.
