My Reflection on 5 Years in CLAW
by Mewsette
CLAW has taught me many things
And brought me many friends.
It's had some fun beginnings, and
It's had a few sad ends.
I've learned to use my talents
In a bold, assertive way,
And learned I can't move mountains
No matter what I say.I've aged from twelve to seventeen,
And left my mark behind.
I've always loved to serve my Queen,
And I also speak my mind.
I learned we may not always get
What we think we deserve.
But once I'd learned to rule, I knew
That it was time to serve.The funny thing, as years have passed,
As I resolved small quarrels,
I kept on thinking, Now at last,
I'll rest upon my laurels.
But some new challenge beckons me,
Or some friend will inspire,
And off I go again, to be
An old, but burning, fire.There's power in our numbers,
More than one small cat could touch,
When many cats together work,
Accomplishing so much.
So if we get discouraged, we
Get up and try some more.
I just can't help it, I must be
A CLAW cat to the core.What I might like to do this year
Is help CLAW have some fun,
Keep my friends and comrades near,
And love them, every one.
We never know how long a time
We'll get to wear this crown
. So whether it's hard or it's sublime,
I'll never lay it down.