Picture 2
by Tiddler

Story 1
by Maggie

What is that I see sitting on a tree? 2 birds kissing and looking down at me? This is my house I meowed to them! You make too much noise and I don't like the way my human pays so much attention to the 2 of you silly looking green things. I dare you to come closer to me so I can get a closer look at you. You look funny kissing each other and making all that noise!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there you sit up on that stick, come closer to me so I can give you a big lick! Yes, I would like to give you a lick and see what you taste like but you are too high way up there so come down lower so I can see you. Here comes the humans so I must be patient and wait. I will stare at you from far for now but let me tell you a secret. I am fast! Much faster than you I bet! So stop making so much noise and throw down some of that food to me! Then maybe we can be friends the 2 of you and me. We will see.


Story 2
by Kitty the Great

There was a little kitty, soft and meek
And 2 parrots with some very sharpish beaks...
Said the one to the other
"They say he's our fur brother,
But he looks like he would be a tasty treat!"

Well, the kitty heard them plotting, just like that
And he said "you can not eat me - I'm a cat!"
"Fur is not good food for feathers,
they will put you on your tethers...
Goodness gracious, I'm a pet, I'm not a snack!"

But the birdies kept on plotting to and fro
Said the other "I get ears, you get the toes"
It put the kitty in a panic
He said "I think you both are MANIC!
Birdies don't eat kitties, anybody knows!"

Now the parrots got to laughin and a sneezin'
And I'll tell you - for a very simple reason ...
It was all just one big joke
Those two birds were blowin smoke
Cuz they knew that kitties really aren't in season!