Card Playing and How To Stop It
by Vicecount Buster
Illustrated by

Hello young kittens of CLAW . I am here to tell you about the card playing that humans do and how to stop it. I know what you're going to ask. " Why should we try to stop it? Because cardplaying takes time, and that time can be better spent serving our needs.

You must keep watch all the time. Humans like to play when they think you are asleep. When you see your human playing cards you should get on the table and lay on the cards. Then you must move your body around so that the cards fall off the table. Look at the cards on the floor like you have never seen them before.

At this time your human may be mad at you. Just look loving at them and rub them and start to purr. This works all the time, Soon you will have your humans well trained. When you get on the table they will put the cards away and see to your needs. Remember kittens of CLAW always keep your humans under your paws.